Upcoming Hemphill, Roberts, Gray, and Donley County Town Halls

October 15, 2021


DATE: October 7, 2021

CONTACT: Synda Foreman, District Coordinator

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: 806-323-3080

On Tuesday, October 26, 2021, Representative Ken King will be touring a segment of House District 88 to discuss the 87 th Regular Legislative Session as well as the Special Sessions that followed.

King will be at the following locations:

Exhibition Building
10965 Exhibition Center Rd
Canadian, TX

Miami High School Auditorium
100 Warrior Lane
Miami, TX

Pampa EDC/Pampa Chamber of Commerce-MK Brown Room
200 N. Ballard
Pampa, TX

Bairfield Activity Building, Clarendon College
1122 College Dr
Clarendon, TX

Rep. King will give a quick overview of the session and then solicit feedback from constituents on issues of vital importance to them and their communities.

“The input and ideas I receive from these meetings help me effectively represent and advocate for my constituents in the Texas House.” King said.

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